Cocktails + Connections

Come join us for a night of fun and networking at Anderson Contemporary. This in-person event is the perfect opportunity to make new connections while enjoying delicious cocktails. Whether you're looking to expand your professional network or simply want to meet new people, this event is for you. Don't miss out on the chance to mingle with like-minded individuals in a relaxed and vibrant atmosphere. Mark your calendars and get ready to sip, socialize, and connect!

Our special guest speaker, Alexandra Cubeddu, is a sought-after financial advisor. She has helped individuals and families navigate the complex world of investments, retirement planning, and wealth management. Her expertise is invaluable, and her passion for educating and empowering individuals is truly commendable. She will share her insights, wisdom, and practical tips on financial planning and investment strategies tailored specifically to the needs. Her dedication to fostering financial independence, coupled with her ability to demystify financial jargon, makes her an ideal mentor and role model for all of us striving to secure our financial future.